Flange Dimensions




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  1. Manohara was here and one cengiran for you kang, long time not nyengir he..he..

  2. thank you manohara

  3. Anonymous said...

    mlebu rene ra mudeng blaaaassss...
    dadi keroso nek pancen bodo...

  4. yo ora bodo to kang. lha wong ora biasa njamah barang koyo ngene iki mesti yo ra mudeng to kang. yen sampeyan membahas bidang politik aku sing ra mudeng. dadi aku sing kroso bodo. hehehehe

  5. Anonymous said...

    ora mudeng, banyak tafsir. kaga garti. selamat siang maaf mengecewakan anda

  6. @kawanlama95
    terima kasih sudah bersedia komentar

  7. Hadooooooh.. menyapa sahabat saja yaaaaaaa..
    Salam Sayang

  8. Gambarnya kurang besar.

  9. ora mudeng kang, just want to say hello :D

  10. mas endar hebat ya... blognya sukses semua...

  11. Great article, mate. I am looking for good articles on mechanical engineering topics.

  12. hmmm,,,,
    ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat sekali nich buat di coba,,,
    makasih ya...

  13. nice post...
    oke thanks for share....

  14. wahh imu ynag sangat bermanfaat sekali nich buat di coba....
    sipp dech semoga bermanfaat..!!

  15. ahh saya ga ngerti.

  16. mksih bnyak atas share ilmunya :)

  17. This looks very complicated when you have it in plan form but I am sure the end results are great.

  18. pengen belajar engineering, tapi sepertinya rumit ya...

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